
Product Details
Bridge Maneuvering System controls marine propulsion engines from a wheelhouse and a control room. This product sends revolution speed order and monitors engine condition.
A latest model “M-800-VII” was released in 2022, which has advanced network functions, a sophisticated communication system, and the latest liquid crystal display, providing outstanding operability to enhance users' various tasks and activities.
We have developed a Logger which records the telegraph function and Engine RPM with date & time.
The present upgraded model is ML-800 V.
Electric Governor is capable to control and optimize the revolution speed of marine propulsion engines depending on the sea condition realized by micro-computer.
We have also developed a fuel save governor software, which prevents from providing excess fuel by tolerating RPM change under specific sea conditions.
(This “Fuel Save Governor” is a popular option).
We are developing the product for electrical controlled diesel engine due to they are going to gain widespread at an accelerated pace.
Representative products are as follows:
– MAN D&T- FIVA valve, Inductive Sensor, Multi-Purpose Controller
– Mitsubishi UE-ECO-Engine Control System, Hydraulic valve
– 4stroke electrical controlled diesel engine Valve-Hydraulic
Nabtesco have developed side thruster control system for safe off-shore operation when the vessel entering & leaving the ports and also in narrow waterways.
All you need to do is set targets for ship speed, horsepower, or fuel consumption Optimal control makes ship maneuvering easier and increases efficient voyage! This unit enables efficient and planned voyage by setting upper and lower limits for the main engine rotation, horsepower, ship speed, and fuel consumption for the main engine actuators of existing ships.
Products Evolution
Bridge Maneuvering System

Telegraph System

Telegraph Logger System

Governor System